Civil Matters Intermediation

Happy couple meeting their financial advisor, shaking hands

Intermediation introduced with the legislative no 28 on March the 4th in 2010 is a dispute resolution system related to disposable rights , which is alternative to the civil trial.

Choosing intermediation means avoiding its red tape. Our customers with this kind of service may invoke their reasons at first-hand making use of the consultancy of a professional who knows deeply Civil Code, and will propose a mutual consent of the parties. Intermediation is different from arbitration procedure, because the brokers don’t make bidding decisions but they assist parties in the research of a conciliation arrangement.

For this reason the arrangement is related to the Parties as well as the settlement but it is likely to acquire enforceability and to constitute registering mortgages. When every Part participating to intermediation is assisted by a lawyer, the agreement which is subscribed by the parts and the lawyers will constitute enforcement order for eminent domain, execution delivery, compelling execution for doing and not doing, and for registering mortgages. The lawyers shall guarantee and certify the conformity of the agreement related to the mandatory rules and to the public order. In all other cases the asset annexed to the minute can be approved on part application with decree of the court chairman, upon check of the official regularity and respecting the mandatory rules and those of the public order. For what concerns international disputes (law 2 of the directive/52/CE of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21st May 2008) the minute is validated by the Trial chairman. Concilia Servizi is able to provide intermediation service thanks to its partnership with ADR group Srl.